Welcome 有り難い!

This is Dragonball Yaoi art site!
I, the admin, am from Deviantart.com known XxGokuranxX. All that I put on this site, draws,texts and cosplays are my own!( unless I write under something else ).

When you comment to some arts here please add your name in the end.

Enjoy and Have fun! (remember vote!!)---->
一票 お願い


Goku x Vegeta - Restaurant

Comment as anonyymi please and some nick name in the end!


Vegeta Main

In Deviantart.com I have 8 000 hits !
Yay for that! x3333



Miki is Saiyans Princess. Here she is in school uniform. Check from www.gokuran.deviantart.com



When you comment as anonyymi please sigh your calling name in the end <3


Goku x Vegeta

When you comment as Anonyymi,please enter your calling name in the end, thank you!<3

It's gonna be finished soon! >_< The background just is so suckyyyy !

When you comment as Anonyymi, please enter your calling name in the end of the text, thank you!<3


Goku x Vegeta

Vegeta is trying to get the octopus stick from Goku, it's waking something up from inside him.